Month: January 2023

Popular articles of Prof M Subhan Qureshi

Popular articles 1. Qureshi, M.S., S.R. Shah, 1997. Instruction manual for anti- and postmortem protection of hides and skins. Handout number DVRI-1/97. Vet. Res. Instt. Peshawar. 2. Qureshi, M.S. and G.Zaman, 1998. Proposed program for improvement of Artificial Insemination in NWFP. Vet. Res. Instt. Peshawar. (Prepared on advice of the GoNWFP) 3. Qureshi, M.S., 1998a. …

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Conference papers of Prof M Subhan Qureshi

International Conferences prior to 2012 1. Hamidullah, S. Mirajuddin, M.S. Qureshi, S.I. Shah, P. Shah, and M. Iqbal, 1994. Abattoir study of ovarian diseases in Nili-Ravi buffalo of NWFP Pakistan. IVth World Buffalo Cong., June 27-30 1994, Sao Paulo, Brazil. pp. 543-545. 2. Qureshi, M.S., 1996. Seasonality of reproduction in dairy buffaloes under field conditions. …

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