Dairy Science Park Timeline


Phase I – The Genesis

  • Interaction with Meem Sheen as an Imam for Asar prayer, who was a famous journalist and an important organ of the Pakistan Freedom Movement
  • Attended TV Lecture Series of Dr Israr Ahmad analyzing the history, current status and future of the Ummah in light of Qur’an and Hadith.
  • Developed my Life Motto as: Established my mission as “Dairy Science Park” (coined later on during 2010) to be gifted to Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as an attempt for socioeconomic support for the Third Revival of Ummah, as motivated by Meem Sheen; envisioned by Late Dr Israr Ahmad RA (Ahmad 1993) and supported by Late Jamila Subhan Qureshi. This was a very humble attempt to implement the decree of Allah SWT communicated to the mankind through Prophet  Muhammad SAW:
    ﴾وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ إِلَّا رَحْمَةً لِّلْعَالَمِينَ﴿
    Wa ma arsalnaka illa Rahmatan lil alameen (And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the worlds (Al-Qur’an: 21-107).
    Hence, I present my motto as follows: “Guided by the divine principles of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), sent to the worlds as a mercy by Allah SWT, I am committed to alleviating the burdens of people through initiatives at Dairy Science Park. My aim is to radiate as a beacon of hope and relief, seamlessly uniting earthly capabilities with spiritual insights.”

  • Attended the 10th International Workshop on Swamp Buffaloes Reproduction at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand; visited FAO-UN Regional Center; looked the resource utilization status of New Zealand, and other regional countries and realized the under-utilization of resources by Pakistan. On return back worked on dairy buffalo for my PhD thesis research.  
  • Prof M S Qureshi completed PhD studies at UAF; wrote an article in Frontier Post, highlighting the unexplored export potential exceeding US$ 20 billion.
  • Invited by Chief Minister KP, Mehtab Abbasi, for exploring livestock sector; Invitation Letter
  • Dr-Shaukat-Report-on-CMLDP
  • Livestock Development Plan was prepared on advice of the Ex-Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, communicated vide letter dated 8-1-2003 to Minister Livestock GoKP, for productive utilization of provincial livestock resources targeted at export.



Phase II – International Conference Series


  • DSP I – 2011 Peshawar Inaugurated by Agriculture Minister and concluded by Livestock Minister
  • DSP-KPCCI Linkages The Nation; Dawn
  • Arbab Ayub Jan, Minister for Agriculture KP at Industrial Exhibition
  • Feed Mill functionalized via lease arrangement
  • Dairy Technology utilized for entrepreneurship development
  • The Plan was updated to Dairy Science Park through three successive international workshops during 2011, 2013 and 2015 at the University of Agriculture Peshawar and 2017 at Konya, Turkey. DSP


  1. Chief Minister Khyber Pakhunkhwa breifed on academia-industry linkages


Phase III – Biorisk Management, Entrepreneurship Development and Policy Interventions


  • DSP III – 2015 Peshawar
  • Inaugurated by Senior Minister LGE&RD and concluded by Livestock and Law Advisors to CM KP
  • DSP 2015, concluded by Arif Yousaf, Mohibullah & Jaffar Shah MPAs
  • DSP CEBG Collaboration
  • BRM-I-Amsterdam
  • DSP Collaborates with CAAS China
  • DSP Services Center
  • Silage introduced in KP
  • Special Assistant to CM KP (Livestock) endorsed DSP
  • The Special Assistant to Chief Minster on Livestock, supported the plan for preparing the province for International Halal Meat Market and advised for development of a policy to address the current challenges (UAP Coverage).
  • The DSP head office/Display Center has been established at the City Towers, University Road Peshawar and the Park has been registered under Societies’ Registration Act XXI of 1860.
  • A collaborative arrangement was agreed with CEBG, Pakistan Army for utilizing the semen and embryos from elite dairy and beef ruminants at the medium sized farms in the province and FATA.
  • A collaboration on “Biorisk Management” was initiated with the Sandia National Laboratories USA. A four-members’ delegation of the Park visited the Netherlands in March 2015 for launching the initiative and attending Third One Health Congress at Amsterdam. Workshops were held at Dubai, Bangkok, Phuket, Colombo, Konya, Amman, Dubai-II, training 104 persons-times from academia, government and the private sector and preparing a curriculum package for integration into DVM degree program.
  • An MoU was signed with the Khyber Institute of Veterinary Sciences, Peshawar for collaboration in livestock entrepreneurship development (LED).
  • A letter of intent was signed in August, with the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences for collaborative research on development and trade of Halal products.
  • Focal Persons were appointed for the Park for Australia, China, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Middle East, Turkey, Netherlands, USA and Canada.





Phase IV – Establishing Technoparks 




Phase-V. Eco-Security Initiatives


  • Prof. Subhan Qureshi, President DSP became a supporter of Haikou Initiative.
  • Mr. Tian Dexin, Dr. Xie Yan had the first online meeting with Prof M
    Subhan Qureshi and Dr. Sher Bahadar Khan to discuss working in Pakistan.
  • NESS Pakistan: https://dairysciencepark.org/ness/ became available
    and the Preparatory Committee NESS-Pak was established.
  • Prof. Subhan Qureshi attended the 2023 NESS Congress online
    and delivered the presentation of “Our responsibility to protect the future of our kids on the Planet Earth”.
  • Prof M Subhan Qureshi prepared the Pakistan Initiative.
  • Mr. Tian Dexin, Dr. Xie Yan attended the IRAD AWKUM Conference online.
  • A call was made for registration of Supporters for NESS via Google Form.
  • Recommendations were made by the Conference for promoting ecosecurity in the region.


  • Attended NESS Eco-Security Congress along with Prof Sher Bahadar Khan.
  • Pakistan Ecotourism Profile 2024 was prepared and shared with Dr Yan, IAPA for promoting tourism in the northern Pakistan especially for facilitating Chinese Tourists. 
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