DSP VI – 2023 Bahawalpur concluded

وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ إِلَّا رَحْمَةً لِّلْعَالَمِينَ

(Wama Arsalnaka Illa Rahmatallilalameen; O’ Muhammad! You have been sent as a blessing to the Worlds; Al Qur’an, 21:107)

The Sixth International Conference and Industrial Exhibition on Dairy Science Park (#DSP2023) was held at the Islamia University Bahawalpur (IUB) on March 20-21, 2023. The event was co-organised by the Dairy Science Park (DSP), SECure All Pakistan (SAP), Camel Association of Pakistan (CAP) and IUB. DSP2023 was the 6th in the series being held in Peshawar (DSP2011, DSP2013, DSP2015), Konya (DSP2017) and Quetta (DSP2019), with changing themes from Post-flood Rehabilitation, Meat Production, Entrepreneurship Development, Biorisk Management and Emerging Trends to the present theme of DSP2023, set as Parallel Social Enterprise for the Vulnerables.

Bahawalpur is located in South Punjab; a region where, on one side there are lush green areas through irrigation and on the other side is the Cholistan desert with a very hard life and meagre facilities for the inhabitants. Both these areas are very important in terms of livestock, especially camel rearing. This conference provided an opportunity to bring together the camel/livestock farmers, academia and industry on a single platform and facilitate fruitful collaboration and cooperation. 

The Inaugural Session

DSP2023 was inaugurated by Prof Naveed Akhtar, Pro-Vice Chancellor IUB. Vice Chancellor IUB Engr. Prof. Dr. Athar Mahboob supported the event as Chief Patron. Prof M Subhan Qureshi, Conference Chair; Mr Muhammad Anwar Kamal Saleem Hashmi, Co-Chair; Dean FVAS IUB, Prof Muhammad Khalid Mansoor Khalid, Secretary General; Prof Illahi Bakhsh Marghazani, Secretary Technical and Dr Muhamad Shahzad, Secretary Coordination, played their major roles in organising the event. Ijaz Mehood Gorsi, DG LDD South Punjab participated in the session in addition to delegates from various public and private sector organisations of the country and abroad.

The Chief Guest welcomed the delegates, especially Dr Mithat Direk from Selcuk University. Camel milk was appreciated as a curative agent for various public health disorders. The first camel was purchased by pharmacy faculty during 2013 followed by establishment of Camel House by FVAS, IUB. The VC has provided all the required facilities to the FVAS for growth of the faculty focused at improvement in animal production. 

The Technical Sessions

The Vice Chancellor University of Agriculture, Dera Ismail Khan, Prof. Dr. Masroor Elahi Babar chaired the first first technical (keynote) session and presented his paper on “Power of Genomics for Camel Improvement”. Dr Mithat Direk presented a paper on “Evaluation of the Dairy Industry in Türkiye”. Prof M Subhan Qureshi and Dr M Saqib presented their papers on Good Governance and Q-Fever. 

The Technical Session II (Business Support) Session was moderated by Mr MAKS Hashmi and chaired by Sardar Ahmed Mujtaba Khan Rind and participated by Dr Zafar Siddiqui ISRA University, Syed Irfan Shah Khagga Planet Earth Community, Dr Abdur Rahman PSA&E-Village, Mr M Ismail Tax Consultant and Prof M Subhan Qureshi. Issues faced by the private sector and importance of academia industry linkages were highlighted. Entrepreneurship Development initiatives were covered under Group Discussion. 

Prof M Subhan Qureshi suggested establishment of Livestock Entrepreneurship Development Center (Details available at #LEDC) as a good governance model of academia-industry-government nexus for which a private partner Mr Ahmad Mujtaba Mujtaba Khan Rind has offered to provide land of about 125 acres as a joint venture. The Islamic Development Bank (IDB) has already shown consent for providing to support the proposal. A grant of US$ 0.5 million (PKR 142 million) comprising 70% of Endowment Fund and the remaining a non-lapsable development grant would cover this initiative.

Dr Ali Raza Abbasi, Ex-Director General, Cholistan Development Authority, moderated discussion with the farmers from the deep desert of Cholistan. Relevant issues faced by the farmers were highlighted and analysed. Technial and Marketing support was recommended for the region to enhance farmers income leading to support to the national economy. 

On Day 2, Technical Session III, chaired by Dr Mithat Direk, commencing with a video presentation by Dr Mortaza Bitaraf Sani from Iran on genetic evaluation of camels. Several emerging scientists from various universities presented their research work along with recommendations for field application of their technologies.

Technical Session IV (Camel Farming and Pastoral Values) was coordinated by Dr Muhammad Shahzad. Christina Adams from USA presented a film on “Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Camel Milk”, made by Mr Abdul Shahid, Government Veterinary College Bekaner, India. It was followed by her video lecture on “Global Perspective on Pastoralists’ Value to Biodiversity and Human Health”.  

The Industrial Exhibition

DSP2023 was supported by various organisations. The Industrial Exhibition attracted various stalls related to the livestock and poultry industry that were of most interest for the farmers and veterinary professionals. Total Nutrition, Aptly Pharmaceuticals, Ghazi Brothers, Dasan Feeds, UM Enterprises, Cloud Agri Pakistan, Leaders College Bahawalpur, GreenWend Energy and Dairy Science Park.

The Concluding Session

The Concluded Session was chaired by Mr. Nasir Jamal Hotiana, Secretary, Livestock and Dairy Development Department (LDD) South Punjab. He appreciated the efforts of the organising committee for making the conference a success story. He assured that the academia and farming community would be supported by the government through meaningful need-based projects. He distributed certificates and shields among the farmers and organisers of the conference. In his closing remarks, he assured his complete support to the camel farmers for establishment of social enterprise to improve the economy of the camel farmers.

Visit to CUVAS, Fort Derawar, fields for joint ventures and Golden Camel Award

Sardar Ahmad Mujtaba Khan Rind facilitated the conference organisers to visit Derawar Fort and his land holdings adjacent to the Fort within the limits of 20 km, which he has already offered for establishing facilities for academia-industry-government linkages. 

On the way to the Fort, Cholistan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences was visited. Dr Qudratullah facilitated the visit. The Departments of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Theriogenology, Parasitoloby, Microbiology, Livestock Management, ABG, Nutrition, Zoology and Continuing Eucation and Extension, were visited. Discussion was held among the students, faculty members, farmers and the civil society activists regarding collabortive initiatives. DSP Southern Punjab Chapter and a Livestock Business Support Center (LBSC) would be established at CUVAS as envisioned under the consultative process of DSP made with FAO and ITC-UN.

Mr MAKS Hashmi travelled to Isamabad and granted Golden Camel Award 2023 to Prof  M Mukhtar Former Vice Chancellor IUB and present VC Skills University Islamabad in recognition of his initiative of the first camel conference in 2013.  

The Conference Proceedings

The Development Roadmap

Media Coverage

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