The Purpose of Life

(Biography of Prof Dr Muhammad Subhan Qureshi covering the perception of humans about this Universe and the ambitions and struggles for a prosperous society)

Author’s Note

Prof Muhammad Subhan Qureshi has put forward certain mind-blowing questions, like: The purpose of life! Why do we exist? How did this tiny Earth come into existence in the big Cosmos, how it continues to survive and how it is protected from black holes, meteors, solar winds and collisions with other cosmic bodies? 

How did the Earth get the extraordinary favorable conditions to support life? How the Human Being emerged on Earth as the most advanced form of life? Did all these occur spontaneously or the events were orchestrated by a Great Designer? Who created everything? Do we need a Creator, a Sustainer and an all-times Protector? 

Does God exist? 

Where did we come from? Are we useless creatures in this vast Universe spread over 93 billion light years existing since 13.8 billion years? Is He free to take care of us? Is He listening to me and responding to my calls? Is He taking care of all of us and the Universe? Who is protecting us all in this Universe from Disasters? Does anyone care about us, entrapped in a series of miseries and trials? Does my Creator remember me and take care of me? What He wants from me? How can I make Him happy? Can I email Him? Can I get divine guidance? Who are prophets? Who is the last Prophet Muhammad (SAW)? What is the impact of the last prophet on this World and the Universe? 

How can I retrieve the message of God? Does He respond to my calls? Can I see Him? Can I talk to Him? What is my duty? What is my duty towards the Creator and the creatures? How can I increase the value of my time?  Am I successful in my life? Am I accountable to anybody for my bad deeds? Are we being punished by the Creator individually and collectively through disasters like coronavirus? Have we entered the era of fitnas of Dajjal before the Doomsday? Will I be rewarded by anyone for my good deeds? What is the Hereafter? How will I be punished for my deeds? What stages I will have to pass through? What is my ultimate destination? 

Numerous questions occupy the conscious minds of human beings. Among the myriad plants and animals, humans stand as stewards of their own actions, exerting an undeniable influence on the surrounding environment. The responsibility to shape this world into either a beautiful or unsightly place in the vast universe lies squarely on their shoulders. The interplay between individuals shapes the equilibrium of peace and prosperity for people, as well as the well-being of animals, plants, and the environment.

Professor Qureshi has dedicated himself to contemplating these questions and offering thoughtful responses based on scientific evidence and divine guidance. This biography is a humble attempt to share his insights with readers, with the hope that it serves as a lesson in navigating life’s challenges and establishing meaningful life principles.

(Irfan ul Haq Qureshi)

Book Chapters

  • Ch-0: Book Title and List of Contents
  • Ch-1: The Universe and the Earth
  • Ch-2: Origin of Life and the Human Being
  • Ch-3: The Purpose of Creation
  • Ch-4: A Brief History of Humankind – Sapiens
  • Ch-5: The Rise and Fall of Civilizations
  • Ch-6: The Sustainable Development Approach
  • Ch-7: Our Place in the Universe
  • Ch-8: Prof Qureshi’s Earlier Life, Life Motto, Goals, Struggle and resistance faced
  • Ch-9: Establishing Dairy Science Park – His Mission
  • Ch-10: The Purpose of Our life
  • Referencess and Videos
  • Annexures

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Published by Australian Muslim Times

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