Dairy Science Park, connecting Rumi, Iqbal, Tolerance and UNSDGs

This paper presented at the Fourth International Conference and Industrial Exhibitoion on Dairy Science Park IV, Nov 1-5, 2017, Konya, Turkey, has reviewed the philosophy of Mevlana Jalal ud Din Rumi regarding love, tolerance, respect and spiritualism; appreciating each others and knowing the value of each other. Rumi (1230) told Iqbal (1930) that, “Downfall is fate of those who fail to safeguard their identity”. Iqbal urged for Quranic interpretation, respecting ego, restraint and tolerance and looking at the East for the rising sun as sign of Hope. The year 2000 saw the War on Terror associated with competition, fanaticism, indifference and materialism. The United Nations defined Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to protect the future generations. The “Fourth International Conference and Industrial Exhibition on Dairy Science Park” was held at Selcuk University Konya, the city of Mevlana Rumi, to connect the glorious Past with the Future of the Islamic Era, through SDGAction9671 changed to SDGAction40154.

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