Endorsements of DSP

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Comments of Ex-Chief Minister KP

During my tenure as Chief Minister, I approved the Chief Minister Development Plan prepared by Prof Subhan Qureshi, which was later updated to Dairy Science Park through two international workshops held at the University of Agriculture, Peshawar, in 2011 and 2013, respectively.[5][6][7] The Park has given birth to Peshawar Meat Company,[8][9] which is to be implemented jointly by the University of Agriculture, Peshawar, the Department of Local Government and Rural Development, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority, and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Board of Investment and Trade.[10][11]

(Sardar Mehtab Abbasi)

Comments of Ex-Chief Minister KP

I am pleased to get an update on Dairy Science Park, presented to me as Livestock Development Plan during my tenure as Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The concept is commendable as it focuses on self-reliance through utilization of the livestock resources of the region and developing the export potential of these resources. The proposal has been updated to Dairy Science Park extending its activities to other organizations and linking the region with developments at ten countries, especially USA and China, in addition to the Pakistan Army.

The present Government of Pakistan has been working hard to extend development support to all regions, especially for rehabilitation of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA and would continue to support the initiatives launched by Dairy Science Park with the cooperation of national and international agencies, in larger interest of the people.

(Akram Khan Durrani)

Comments of Ex-Chief Minister KP

The province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has been facing numerous challenges in the recent past affecting the socio-economic status of the people. The present government has decided to take concrete steps to revive the economy, pave way for huge investment, setup strong industrial base and promote tourism and trade activities in the province under a comprehensive plan. The novel step taken by the University of Agriculture supported by the provincial government departments, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chamber of Commerce and Industry and SMEDA, is commendable. The Task Force on DSP has been an excellent model of out of box thinking. I hope that DSP will be successful in formulating a comprehensive strategy for developing the livestock resources for the welfare of people of this province. The provincial government will extend all possible support for making the Dairy Science Park a success story on the world map.

(Pervez Khattak)

Comments of Ex-Senior Minister KP


The International Workshop on Dairy Science Park 2011 is a good attempt and attracted a good number of papers, exceeding 100, from various universities and research and development organizations, out of which about 60 have been selected for oral presentation. Good livestock practices may be identified through the technical sessions for implementation by the extension department, NGOs and the farming community. The proceedings book has been produced as a beautiful document which will memorize you of this august gathering. The provincial livestock department has been helping the farming community through extension and research wings. The Directorate General of Livestock and Dairy Development (L&DD, Extension) has been engaged with various assigned tasks in discharge of its responsibility towards the development of livestock sector for the benefits of the public in general and the farming community in particular, in order to raise their income and living standard and protect them from the oonotic diseases. The efforts of the University were commended for successful conduction of this grand event. Beyond its graduate and postgraduate study programs, the faculty has been successfully conducting various training courses for the farming community, para-vets and professional staff of the department and NGOs. The feed mill and dairy technology units are success stories of the faculty which will help in improving the quality of degree programs and will encourage the local farmers and industry people for entering into the business. The Minister congratulated the Vice Chancellor, Prof Khan Bahadar Marwat, the Dean, Prof M Subhan Qureshi and faculty members for organizing this august event and attracting participation of almost all the provincial organizations in the public and private sector.

(Arbab Muhammad Ayub Jan, Late)

Recommendation letter of the Senior Minister GoKP

I was pleased to work with the Dairy Science Park since the last several years. The Society has emerged at the University of Agriculture, Peshawar and has abridged the gap between the government and academia in policy development and bringing reforms in the Society in line with the vision of the present government.

The concept of the Dairy Science Park is appreciated; supporting the producers and consumers of livestock products, value addition, self-employment to the youth and hygienic food production. An ongoing project of Rs.200 million is being supported under annual development program, for establishment of Slaughter Houses. Peshawar Development Authority is implementing the project and the Dairy Science Park team is assisting them in ensuring quality standards, supporting the supply line, marketing linkages, and human resource development. The provincial government has agreed on preparation of an Act for establishing an autonomous Dairy Science Park Board.

DSP activities are in line with the Integrated Development Strategy KP, 2014-2018 regarding sustainable and effective local government system, improved citizens’ participation, industrial development for economic growth, and job creation. DSP vision also covers the Federal Government’s Pakistan Vision 2025 calling for Private Sector-Led Growth and Entrepreneurship.

I am thankful to the United Nations for accepting DSP to implement sustainable development action #SDGAction9671. The provincial government would extend all possible support to achieve the goals set for brining peace and prosperity in the Region comprising KP, FATA, and Northern Areas of Pakistan and the adjoining areas of Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and China.

The development and private sector organizations within the country and abroad, are invited to participate in this sacred mission and collaborate in launching novel initiatives like alternate energy solutions, environment protection, biorisk management, entrepreneurship development, legislative and policy support, quality control, and Halal certification in the food value chain. DSP-2015; DSP Board; DSP Task Force

(Inayatullah Khan)

Endorsement of Minister for Agriculture GoKP

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Minister for Agriculture Ikramullah Khan Gandapur inaugurated the Livestock Business Facilitation Desk of the Dairy Science Park at the KP Chamber of Commerce and Industries (KPCCI), Peshawar. KPCCI chief highlighted the issues faced by the business community regarding the prevailing situation of the law and order and hurdles in exporting livestock, poultry and other perishable commodities to Afghanistan. He urged upon a strong representation of the provincial livestock sector in the upcoming export show in Dubai. Prof M Subhan Qureshi thanked the President KPCCI for providing a physical shape to the thoughts of the professors and for actively participating in the international conferences and post-conference proceedings to make the dream true. The Minister for Agriculture appreciated the progress made under the Dairy Science Park with the co-ordinated efforts of the University of Agriculture Peshawar and KP Chamber of Commerce and Industries. He realized the importance of the sector in jobs creation and food production (Business Recorder, 26-5-2014).

(Ikramullah Khan Gandapur, Late)

Recommendation of the Special Assistant to Chief Minister on Law GoKP

I have been working with Dairy Science Park for several years. The UN has accepted their partnership for two SDGs. Their proposals for legislative reforms to protect the interests of stakeholders are worth consideration. The provincial government would extend all possible support to achieve the goals set for brining peace and prosperity in the Region comprising KP, FATA, and Northern Areas of Pakistan and the adjoining areas of Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and China. A Task Force for Dairy Science Park would be established as a temporary arrangement for establishment of the Dairy Science Park (DSP) Board in light of a wide-based high-level meeting chaired by the Senior Minister reflected in the note of Secretary Local Government, Election and Rural Development, Government of KP. The Task Force will identify and analyze the barriers in livestock and poultry production, processing, service delivery and marketing in the province, with special focus on small and medium sized facilities through involvement of stakeholders and the international conference series of DSP. Dairy Science Park Board Act will be prepared in light of the principles, strategic vision and Endowment Fund already provided. DSP Bangkok; DSP Phuket; DSP 2015, Peshawar Pets Show; DSP Legeilative Consultation (Arif Yousaf Advocate)

Note by Additional Chief Secretary KP

The innovative idea of the Local Government Department regarding establishment of Dairy Science Park at Peshawar could be appreciated to provide hygienic food production to the whole province. However, it is not clear that the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Dairy Science Park Board Act 2016 has been approved by the Provincial Assembly or otherwise. In addition, the detail breakup of the total cost of Halal meat shall be required from international recognized agency, which is not mentioned in the concept paper.

Having registered under Society Registration Act XXI of 1980 as Dairy Science Park (DSP), it needs clarification that how DSP, a non-profit organization will work for enhancement of the marketing of the dairy product with the support of Agriculture University Peshawar and Local Government Department or Agriculture Department.

DSP resembles in functions with Livestock Extension/Research, Agriculture Department and the Agriculture University Peshawar and their valuable input may be instrumental to avoid duplicity of functions. Business Recorder

(Muhammad Azam Khan)

Note by the Chairman Higher Education Commission

I am pleased to comment on the performance and future vision of Dairy Science Park, a scientific society originating at the University of Agriculture, Peshawar, to strengthen the linkages between the academia and the industry.

Consistency of DSP in arranging a biennial series of International Workshops on Dairy Science Park is commendable. Three workshops were held during November 2011, 2013, and 2015 and more will be hopefully held with the same interval. Each workshop was attended by 500+ participants, spread over three days, with Higher Education Commission as the major sponsor. The industrial exhibitions attracted participation of manufacturers, marketing companies, government, NGOs, and private sector organizations. Such events prove fruitful in motivating the students and faculty members to enhance their skills and gain confidence through interaction with senior scientists and leaders of the society. I am thankful to the provincial Senior Minister, relevant ministers, and senior executives of the KP Chamber of Commerce and Industries and SMEDA for providing patronage to these events. Mr Nasir Shah, Director QAA, HEC, represented HEC in these workshops and has been supporting other activities of DSP, for which I am thankful to him.

I appreciate the achievements made under DSP in addressing issues of the society and incorporation of needs of the farming community and the industry into the postgraduate programs. DSP has got international exposure, like the recent consultative meetings of DSP members with Sandia National Laboratories, USA at Amsterdam and Dubai on Biorisk Management. We would like to incorporate such concepts into various curricula in biological, health, and environmental sciences at national level. Collaboration of DSP with Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the proposal to establish DSP Board and University of Veterinary Innovations and Commercialization will hopefully help in generating self-employment, exportable surpluses, and stability in the region. HEC-KMU-UAP-DSP MoU on BRM

(Prof Dr Mukhtar Ahmed)

Note by Prof Peter Wynn

I would like to congratulate you on the wonderful leadership that the Dairy Science Park at the University of Agriculture, Peshawar has provided for the livestock industries of Khyber Pakhtumkhwa. It is well recognised that most small-holder farming operations in this region depend on their livestock as a source of meat, milk and fibre and also as a basis for the generation of income for their families. Their animals also serve as a mechanism for providing saleable assets to pay for family emergencies and celebrations.

Seldom have the staff of a university based institute been so well integrated with their activities among farming communities,  achieving great success in providing extension on animal nutrition, reproduction and health management. The frequency with which politicians rely on advice from DSP is developing policy for the management of livestock marketing and animal health services bears testimony to the pre-eminence of this organisation and its outstanding staff.

The co-hosting of their international conference at Konya in Turkey in 2017 shows clearly that DSP is truly linked with the international animal science research and development community. We look forward to the direction that this conference will provide for our world animal industries.

I feel proud of being part of the Park as a co-worker of Prof Qureshis at CSU Australia and Pak-Australia Dairy Project-ASLP, Lahore; and would love to support it further to provide better service to the people in the Region. Graham Center; The Innovator; Publications

(Prof Peter Wynn, CSU, NSW, Australia)

Note by the Co-Founder DSP

It was my most memorable moment when I met Prof. Subhan Qureshi in Egypt and found him to be a truly committed scientist with a deep empathy towards the livestock and dairy farming community of the province of Pakhtunkhwa and Pakistan at large. His deep understanding of the problems and aspiration to find innovative solutions, which can attract the attention of donors and policy makers so that the needed resource base is generated to impact incomes and livelihoods of the poor dairy farmers as well as strengthen the scientific environment to benefit the students. As a development professional and institutional innovation expert, I shared my experiences and we deliberated the ideation of Dairy Science Park – an enabling platform which will bring all the stakeholders together to deliberate problems and issues and find sustainable solutions by optimizing resource use. We discussed the process out of my experience on Agri-Science Park and tried to embed the dairy and livestock sectors to it. Today I am glad that Prof. Subhan Qureshi has walked the talk by establishing DSP, which I believe is a global best practice. There isn’t a similar platform on Dairy so far that I know of.

The journey from consultation workshops, conferences, proposal preparations to institutionalization of the initiative as a full fledged platform called ‘Dairy Science Park’ is an amazing case study for development experts. It could have only happened with the zeal and commitment of Prof. Qureshi and team and the policy makers who believed and substantiated the required political will in shaping Dairy Science Park. The various training programs organized, partnership development efforts, advocacy with the Government and mapping of program streams is an achievement in itself.

If we look at research innovation and its uptake in the Information Technology and life sciences sectors, the process is pretty established and platforms are readily available for a ‘seeker’ (innovation seeker, entrepreneur, researcher etc) to look at commercialization strategies and get the required support from ‘providers’ (Universities, Research Institutions, Donors, VC/PE partners etc). The same impetus and institutional innovation is required for Agriculture and its allied sectors such as dairy, fisheries, forestry etc. Such innovations are happening across the globe in different formats with nemesis as Incubators, Platforms, Accelerators, Innovation Centers etc with a core belief of bringing the stakeholder ecosystem to come together and find solutions to issues and problems in a cohesive way. The initiative of Dairy Science Park is one such kind an early establisher of institutional innovation practice in the dairy sector, setting a learning trend for others.

I really foresee DSP adding many more verticals in the near future, covering gene pool, applied innovative collaborative research to business acceleration platform. Having benefited the province of Pakhtuns with a vibrant activity, I hope DSP will take lead in initiative a National Initiative to integrate Dairy and Allied Sectors under on single platform and then spread the best practice globally especially to Low Income Countries which are in need of such innovation learning sharing and exchange. I am confident this will happen under the leadership of Prof. Subhan Qureshi. On his behalf I invite suggestions and feedback from innovation experts and advisers to feed their wisdom to further improve the DSP. Hoping to see you all in the next International Conference on Dairy Science Park!!

(Abdul Rahman Ilyas, ICRISAT, India)

Foreword by the Founder/President DSP

I remember my first consultation with Mr Abdul Rahman Ilyas during 2010 in Egypt, who suggested the name Dairy Science Park to be given for our struggle to utilize the livestock resources of the region for prosperity of the people. Interest of Sardar Mehtab Ahmad Khan Abbasi, Governor KP, during his tenure-ship as Chief Minister during 1998 motivated me to continue my struggle.

Various provincial dignitaries supported this sacred mission and Mr Inayatullah Khan took the message very seriously and pursued it through release of ADP funds and support of an autonomous DSP Board. He was especially comfortable with the idea of self-accountability through an Endowment Fund, needing no operational fund.

I am thankful to my faculty members, students, staff and the University Administration, for their constant support. Especially my children and wife had to bear the tremendous stress and financial burden during the execution process. I consider it as a sacred mission and present it as a gift before the people of the Region, especially those hit with poverty, illiteracy, and food insecurity.

I envision KP, FATA, and Northern Areas of Pakistan, and the adjoining regions of Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and China as a hub of livestock and poultry entrepreneurs backed up by quality control, R&D, and marketing support organizations, with prosperous people desired under 2030-Agenda for sustainable development of the United Nations.

(Prof M Subhan Qureshi)

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