Qualifications: DVM, MSc Hons, PhD (Theriogenology) (UA Faisalabad)
Position: President Dairy Science Park, 23-A, Industrial Estate, Hayatabad, Peshawar-25000, Pakistan
Phone: Tel/Mobile/WhatsApp +92 300 587 7933; Email: drmsqureshi@gmail.com; drmsqureshi@aup.edu.pk; mqureshi@csu.edu.au; https://dairysciencepark.org/
National Consultant ITC-UN (1 Jul to 30 Nov 2022): This Consultant was enthusiastic about providing services for the transformation of the livestock sector from farming into an entrepreneurship base to generate decent employment and exportable foods and biotech products across the livestock breeding value chain (LBVC) under the Balochistan Livestock Breeding Policy 2022 and Action Plan. Presently, LBVC is provided services officially and mainly by the Director General Animal Health with a handsome current budget of Rs. 4.53 billion and a development budget of Rs. 1.63 billion. Looking at the SNE for 2022, it appears that the farmers are served by the regular staff stationed at civil veterinary hospitals and dispensaries, livestock farms, SPUs, dairy and poultry farms, etc. The department is protecting animal health and productivity to some extent, while the entrepreneurial aspect is totally lacking. Management of the LBVC by the Directorate General Animal Health may be supplemented with inputs from Public Service Organizations (PSOs) through an autonomous Livestock Technopark Quetta (LTQ), an Academia-Industry-Government Nexus, a Triple Helix Model of Good Governance with legislative, regulatory, financial, and administrative powers, to boost entrepreneurship development, regulating and facilitating all the Functional Units at PSOs. An endowment fund (EF) may replace the repeated funding to remove the financial burden on the government treasury.
Nine PSOs would work in coordination to achieve the common goal of transforming the provincial livestock resources into prosperity for the people. These resources would be utilised for generating decent employment and quality products that are certified, traceable, and hygienic. Halal foods and biotech products for local and export markets would be produced through an interconnected network of entrepreneurial models covering livestock and poultry farming, dairy and meat factories, diagnostic, clinical, and consultancy centres, and marketing facilities.
National Consultant FAO: (20 Jun to 31 Aug 2019) Worked with Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations at Islamabad, Pakistan as National Consultant Livestock and Dairy Development. The mutually agreed TORs required development of an Action Plan with estimated budget for Livestock Sector Development and Transformation, based on KP Livestock Policy; covering regulatory issues, value chain development, private sector engagement and overall required capacity at provincial and district levels. The livestock and poultry farmers are facing unbearable financial burden and most of these valuable assets are on way to total collapse. Ten public and private sector organizations are mandated for serving the Livestock Sector covering extension, research, fisheries, education, livestock markets, slaughter houses price regulation, food safety, trade and farmers welfare. However, lack of coordination and their apathy towards the farmers and processors, has left the burning issues unattended.
This Mission has tried his best to prepare KP Livestock Action Plan 2019 as a relief for the weaker stakeholders across the livestock value chain, in the public and private sectors, within a governance framework of Academia-Industry-Government-Society Nexus. An autonomous Livestock Technopark Peshawar (LTP) has been suggested to be established, initially as a Task Force through an executive order and later on through an Act of the Legislative Assembly/Ordinance of Governor; with full regulatory, administrative, financial and legislative powers to protect all the stakeholders of the livestock industry, and engage all relevant private and public sector organizations with shared authority and responsibility. At the end of the year 2021 LTP would be able to generate direct decent employment models to the tune of 18,000, each one earning about Rs. 50,000 per month and employing five more persons each. Hygienic, Halal and Organic food would be produced per annum valuing Rs. 5,098 billion. A fraction of 10% may be injected into Halal Meat Export Market Motivated young graduates in veterinary, engineering, medical, business and social sciences would be joining LTP for their career development and transformation of ideas into actions to serve the society. Quality conscious consumers would be having access to traceable food products in the towns. Public and private sector organizations would have access to sufficient operational funds for motivating their staff and serving people.
Research and Development: (7 Aug 1983 to 18 Jun 2005) After getting DVM degree from UVAS Lahore, joined Livestock Department, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan during 1983 as Veterinary Officer (Health) and worked on semen processing, farm management, feeding and health coverage. Worked at Civil Veterinary Hospital and provided therapeutic and immunization services to the incoming animals. Worked as Senior Research Officer on Herd Health Program and registered buffalo farms for applied research and extension services; analyzed the prevailing practices of feeding, health and reproductive management, introduced good practices and organized the farmers into Sarhad Dairy Farmers Association, facilitating them for availing services of various research, development, marketing and financial institutions. Completed master and doctoral degrees and published a report on mismanaged livestock sector, loosing an export potential of US$ 20 billion at national level. The two successive Chief Ministers endorsed the Chief Minister Development Plan prepared by the author.
Academic excellence: (19 Jan 2005 to date) Joined the University of Agriculture, Peshawar as full professor and served as Dean for two tenures, got retirement on 19 March 2019 and rejoined as visiting professor (theriogenology). I have been working as HEC representative at PVMC and member of several professional bodies. Engaged in Teaching, Research and Industrial Linkage in animal health, reproduction, entrepreneurship and biorisk management; supervised PhD students 19, MPhil 84; subjects taught Reproductive Physiology; Livestock Industry; Stress Physiology; research projects completed 6; research publications in impact factor journals 53; books/chapters published 15, including a book on Reproductive Physiology published by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan.
Functionalized the UAP Univ Feed Mill under a lease arrangement through as private partner. Successfully introduced the feed at private dairy farmers in Peshawar and adjacent districts, competing with other feed manufacturers, based upon the best prices and quality. Initiated research on physiological base of animals’ productivity and stress physiology/animals welfare and tailored the postgraduate studies and research and development projects into these priorities. Motivated the faculty members and students for winning research grants to respond to the local problems and explore business and industrial aspects of livestock and poultry production.
Academia-Government-Industry/International Linkages: (1 Jan 2011 to date) Dairy Science Park (Park/DSP) has been introduced as a sacred mission for welfare of people of the Region through generation of self-employment and hygienic/Halal food production. The Park has been registered as a Society with the Government of KP, Pakistan and accepted by the United Nations as #UNSDGAction9671. In line with the vision of the Higher Education Commission, the business incubation concepts were integrated into postgraduate research ongoing at the Faculty, shaping up the University – Industry linkages. A biennial series of international workshops was initiated and it continued during November, 2011, 2013 and 2015, 2017 and 2019, each by 450+ delegates, with 100+ technical papers and industrial exhibition. The proceedings were published online/printed and in impact factor journals. The 1st workshop focused on post-flood revival of dairy industry, the 2nd on meat potential of the region, the 3rd on entrepreneurship development for the outgoing graduates, the 4th on biorisk management and the 5th on emerging trends and opportunities. The first three conference were held at Peshawar, the 4th at Selcuk University Konya, Turkey and the 5th at Quetta.
Emerging industries in milk and meat processing and marketing have been provided technical and Quality Control certification support to relieve legal threats from the District Administration, who focus on price capping of milk and meat rather than quality. Meat shops established on modern lines of hygiene produce quality beef; however, such facilities are raided by the government agencies on the basis of higher prices. DSP facilitates inspection of such facilities provide SOPs for quality standards and issue a certificate. Similar services are being extended to private slaughter houses and meat/milk processing centers and other emerging entrepreneurs. A road map has been prepared for developing a Hygienic/Halal meat export base. The plan is aimed at introducing good practices into livestock SMEs. The plan has been supported by the provincial Agriculture Minister, Special Assistants to Chief Minister KP on Law and Livestock. Sandia National Lab USA has been supporting DSP under a Biorisk Management Collaboration. Four consultative workshops have been held in Amsterdam, Dubai, Bangkok and Puket, Phuket, Colombo, Konya, Amman and Dubai-II, participated by 105 members of DSP for curriculum development and integration of biorisk management concept into the food value chain. A BRM package was developed for integration into Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree in Pakistani Universities, under the supervision of Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council.
Charles Sturt University (CSU) Australia: (25 Dec 2010 to date) CSU was joined as Adjunct Professor during 2010 which will continue up to 2022. I outlined some of the key factors that impact on the reproductive efficiency of the Pakistani dairy buffaloes herd. It was found that under-nutrition and nutritional imbalance through feeding high protein-low energy diets suppress ovarian cyclicity. Interestingly ovarian activity is often negatively associated with insulin like growth factor 1 (IGF1) levels since this is associated with higher milk yields. Clearly nutrient partitioning is playing a role here particularly when cows and buffalo are underfed. Interestingly, mid-chain length fatty acids (C12-C14) are more prevalent in milk from crossbred (Sahiwal-Friesian crosses) than in purebred Sahiwal milk in which shorter chain saturated fatty acids prevail. I attended joint ISNH / ISRP International Conference-2014 at Canberra and present paper on productivity and fertility of crossbred cattle in the subtropical environment of Peshawar Pakistan. Pak-Australia Dairy Project was assisted and supervised students research at Peshawar, regarding reproductive biotechnology and women in development. Australian Farming System was studied; visits were made to the farms and clinics and farmers meetings were attended at Charles Sturt University, WaggaWagga, in collaboration with Prof Peter Wynn. The main problem identified was the difficulty of farmers in getting technical and marketing services; summer stress faced by the animals; and scarcity of labors due to migration of the younger generations from rural to urban areas.
Policy development/reforms plan: (31 Dec 1998 to date) The Ex-Chief Minister KP, Mr Akram Khan Durrani approved the concept of the DSP as a development plan and recommended establishment of the University of Veterinary Innovations and Commercialization with up-gradation of the existing Faculty of AHVS, UAP establishment of additional facilities like slaughter houses, livestock markets and entrepreneurship models. The Higher Education Commission accepted the Park as a Center of Excellence. Senior Minister KP, Mr Inayatullah Khan has agreed on establishment of DSP Board, under an Act of the Provincial Assembly, comprising Quality Control Laboratory Complex, Business Incubation Center, Halal Research Center and an Endowment Fund. His proposal for establishment of Task Force for DSP was approved by the Chief Minister. The Chief Secretary KP has declared DSP as an innovative idea. The idea of Mardan TechnoPark and Quetta TechnoPark was accepted in a meeting of relevant authorities under chairmanship of Mr Arif Yousaf, Special Assistant to Chief Minister KP and Governor Balochistan. DSP IV – 2017 Konya endorsed the concept and Konya Teknokent offered cooperation through an MoU. KP Chamber of Commerce and Industries Peshawar was assisted in academia industry linkages and USAID was assisted as Member Focal Group RTAC in the project evaluation process.
- CV Short
- CV MS Qureshi – Sep 2023
- Prof M Subhan Qureshi_Web Of Science_CV (Researcher ID, Publon, Clarivate)
- CSU Australia Profile
- ResearcherID: C-7212-2008
- Loop Profile
- ORCID Profile/ID: 0000-0002-1355-5924
PhD Thesis
Academic Contributions
- Member FSN Forum-FAO-UN
- Projects Reviewer/Expert: Higher Education Commission; Pakistan Science Foundation; Pakistan Agricultural Research Council
- Journals Reviewer: – SRR; TAHP; Livestock Science; CASE
- Member Editorial Boards: Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics; Veterinaria; Veterinary Medicine and Science; Journal of Life Sciences; Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology B; Pakistan Journal of Science; J Livestock Sc
- Member: FAO-FSN Forum
- Expert Member: Engormix.com
- Supervisor Research: Scholars supervised
UN National Consultancies
- KP Livestock Action Plan 2009 FAO – UN- Livestock Technopark Peshawar
- KP Livestock Action Plan 2019 – FAO-UN – Part II
- Baluchistan Livestock Breeding Policy 2022 – ITC-UN – Livestock Technopark Quetta