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01-ibic-conventional-buff-farming    02-ibic-chemotherapy-nematodes    03-ajas-buff-reprod-season-nutritional    04-ajas-buff-reprod-season-non-nutritional 05-buff-milk-progesterone-roc  06-ajas-buff-reprod-protein   07-ajas-broilers-berberis-cholesterol  8-World-Buff-Cong  09-anirep-buff-reprod-suckling  10-ajas-buff-preg-lactation  11-buff-feed-my-decline-sz-tropical  12-buff-preg-lact-sz-pjz-abc  13-buff-breeding-efficiency-pjz-sms  14-pjz-buff-reprod-nutr-review  15-buff-preg-lact-pjz-sz1  16-buff-milk-fa-ajas-anila  17-ajb-diet-bov-milk-protein  18-nyla-aflatoxin-binding  19-milkcompbuff-turk-vet-j  20-pjb-tariq-antibacterial  21-arshad-probiotic  22-milkdeclinepostconception  23-salmonella-aftab  24-goatpoxsajid  25-stressreprodphysiol  26-halalfoodsaadia  27-sadiqueccpp  28-khanhairfolliclepregdiag  29-hf-tahir  30-rkhanwaterquality  31-shaista-fattyacidmilk  32-freezsemenkundibuffalo  33-rifat-ginger  34-tanweer-peganum1 35-anila-markers  36-usman-java  37-pvj-ace  38-turkish-semen  39-peanut-khan-mt  40-pvj-peganum-harmala  41-pjz-fowad  42-tariq-mastitis-tropical  43-hafiz-zinc-semen-rda  44-sylwan-salmonella-meat  45-ibic-anila-milk-fa  46-japan-majid-tocopherol-semen  47-pjz-wahab-rabbit1  48-hassan-anticoccidial1  49-ikram-pjz1  50-ikram-pjz-lactation-stress1  51-ijar-ubaid-metabol-reprod  52-rahman-pjz-semen  53-green-tea-semen-pjz  54-Int-J-biometerol-reprod-stress  55-vit-E-seleium-stress-shakir  56-betain-broiler-stress-pjz-1  57-pvj-brucella ; 57-pvj-brucella  58-zia-broilers-meat  59-najam-poarpartum-metabilites  60-ibrar-bull-xbred-semen  61-Abubakar-PPR-Peste-  62-tuberculosis-asad  63-SemenQ-M-Shah-pjz-2019  64.-pjz-Ihsan  65-adnan pjz 66-RDA- Saqib – oxidative stress  

HEC Recognized Journals

  1. Farooq U, K Naeem, AB Zahur, MA Khan, U Sidique and MS Qureshi, 2017. Epidemiological analysis and economic impact assessment of foot-and-mouth disease at Landhi dairy colony Karachi. The Asian J Agric Biol, ;5(1):7-14.
  2. Ikram 2018; Crossbred diary cows respond differently, Sarhad J Agric, 34(2): 301-310
  3. Qureshi, S.S., B. Ullah, S. Khan, H.U. Rehman and M.S. Qureshi. 2022. Comparative study of the virulency of different serotypes of
    foot and mouth disease virus by using baby hamster Kidney-21 cell line. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 38(3): 778-783. Download

Other Journals

  1. Khan, Nadar 2018; Effect of dietary energy levels; J Etomol Zool Studies, 2018; 6(1): 1427-1430
  2. Khan, Inamullah et al, 2016; valuation of Brucellosis as a Public Health Hazard; Meat Sci Vet Public Health, 1(1): 11-16.
  3. Qureshi MS,  MM Siddiqui, SG Khattak,, G Habib, HA Samad and I Haque, 2000. Reproduction-nutrition interaction in dairy buffaloes. IV. Effect of macro-minerals intake. Egyptian Journal of Dairy Science, 28 (1):121-127.
  4. Ali AT, MS Qureshi, MH Kadwal, 2014. Effect of protected fats on milk yield and ovarain activity in dairy cattle. Ruminant Science, 3(2), 185-188, Anand Publishing.
  5. Rehman FU, C Zhao, MA Shah, MS Qureshi and X Wang, 2013. Semen extenders and artificial insemination in ruminants. Veterinaria, 1(1): 18. Download
  6. Qureshi MS, 2015. Recent Advances in Nutrition- Reproduction Interactions in Dairy Animals


  1. Sarzamin Khan and M Subhan Qureshi | Apr 29, 2009. Lactation-Reproduction Interaction in Dairy Buffaloes: Technical report of a series of studies in dairy buffaloes under field conditions in peri-urban areas of Peshawar, Pakistan
  2. Naila Chand, M Subhan Qureshi, et al. | Jul 29, 2010. Berberis lycium reduces Serum Cholesterol in Broiler: An extensive work on the affect of Berberis lycium on the growth, immunity, liver function and serum cholesterol levels in broilers
  3. S Muhammad Suhail and M Subhan Qureshi | Oct 28, 2010Genetic Evaluation of Dairy Buffaloes: A series of studies to investigate breeding efficiency, economic traits and inheritance of economic traits of dairy buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)
  4. Anila Mushtaq and M Subhan Qureshi | Aug 9, 2010. Milk Fatty Acids of Dairy Animals: Variation in dairy animals with the changing body condition and lactation stages in dairy cattle and buffaloes
  5. Qureshi, M.S. and R. Khan, 2011. Heavy metals in drinking water of dairy buffaloes. VDM Verlag, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-639-32799-1.
  6. Shaista Jan, Anila Mushtaq, et al. | Apr 6, 2011Blood Metabolites Effect Milk Fatty Acids In Dairy Bufffaloes: Changes in milk yield and fatty acids profile in relation to blood metabolites with advancing age and lactation Paperback
  7. Muhammad Subhan Qureshi (Author), Rajwali Khan (Author)Heavy Metals in Drinking Water of Dairy Buffaloes at Peshawar: Evaluation of mineral contents and heavy metals of drinking water and their correlation with mineral contents in milk Paperback – January 25, 2011. . VDM Verlag, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-639-32799-1.
  8. Qureshi, M.S.,2011. Reproductive Physiology of Domestic Animals. Higher Education Commission, Islamabad. ISBN 978-969-417-166-1. Free Download pdf book
  9. Heavy Metals in Drinking Water of Dairy Buffaloes at Peshawar: Evaluation of mineral contents and heavy metals of drinking water and their correlation with mineral contents in milk Paperback – January 25, 2011. by Muhammad Subhan Qureshi (Author), Rajwali Khan (Author). VDM Verlag, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-639-32799-1.
  10. Blood metabolites support estrus cyclicity in dairy cows. by Muhammad Hamid Kadwal (Author), Muhammad Subhan Qureshi (Author). Kadwal, MH and Qureshi, MS, 2011. VDM Verlag, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-639-36053-0.
  11. Qureshi MS 2011. Proc, International Workshop on Dairy Science Park, 2011.Univ Agric Peshawar.
  12. Shamsur Rehman (Author), Sohail Akhtar (Author), Muhammad Subhan Qureshi (Editor) 2012 .Meat potential and dressing percentage of sheep breeds Paperback LAP Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co. Germany, ISBN-13: 978-3846511985.
  13. Qureshi MS 2013. Proc, InternationalWorkshop on Dairy Science Park, 2013.Univ Agric Peshawar.
  14. Azeemi TA and MS Qureshi, 2014. Dairy Cattle Science– Reproduction (Pashto and English). Pp300. NingarharUniversity, Jalalabad, Afghanistan. ResearchGate
  15. Qureshi MS 2015. Proc, InternationalWorkshop on Dairy Science Park, 2015.Univ Agric Peshawar.
  16. Qureshi MS 2017. Proc, InternationalWorkshop on Dairy Science Park, 2017. Selcuk Univ Peshawar.
  17. Qureshi MS 2019. Proc, InternationalWorkshop on Dairy Science Park, 2019.Univ Balochistan, Quetta.
  18. Qureshi MS 2020. Good Governance Model for Agribusiness: A report prepared on advice of FAO-UN for transforming livestock resources into a network of entrepreneurs, generating … (Dairy Science Park publications Book 1). Amazon, Kindle Editition
  19. Qureshi MS (Editor) 2023. New Advances in the Dairy Industry (ISBN 978-1-83962-747-7) (IntechOpen); Online free access  Free Download

Books in Process

  1. Qureshi MS-The purpose of Life

Book Chapters

  1. Qureshi MS, 2012. Breeding, Management and Environmental Issues at Peri-Urban Dairy Farms. In: Milk Production – Advanced Genetic Traits, Cellular Mechanism, Animal Management and Health, NarongsakChaiyabutr (Ed.). InTech North America, Manhattan10010, New York, USA. ISBN: 978-953-51-0766-8. DOI: 10.5772/47904 Download
  2. Qureshi MS, TA Azeemi, 2012. Dietary Manipulations for Enhancing Cardio-Protective Fatty Acids in the Milk of Dairy Cows. International Conference on Applied Life Sciences. Edited by Farhad Nejadkoorki, InTech, InTech North America, Manhattan10010, New York, USA. ISBN 978-953-51-0725-5. DOI: 10.5772/52498. Download
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