Pakistan represented at Eco-Security Congress in China

Prof Muhammad Subhan Quershi, President Dairy Science Park Pakistan and Chief Patron SunSaviour Pakistan attended the 2024 International Congress on an Eco-Security System for All People along the Belt and Road at Shennongjia National Park of Hubei Province on May 27 to 30, along with Prof Sher Bahadar Khan, Principal CAHVS, AWKUM Mardan. The Congress was a follow up of the concept presented at the 2017 annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, by the Chinese  President Xi Jinping, a Chinese plan: “Building a Community with a Shared Future for  Mankind (CSFM) to achieve win-win sharing”. The concept of building a CSFM has been written into many resolutions of the  UN and is recognized and endorsed by more and more countries.developed by the National Eco-Security System (NESS) International Science Network, Haikou Forestry Bureau, and Hainan Normal University, together with the other 22 co-organizers.

The 2024 Congress was attended by delegates from above 60 countries in addition to several United Nations and other international organizations. Videos produced by various countries were played in the inaugural session. It was followed by a session on “Jointly Building An Eco-Security System for All People along the Belt and Road”. Mr Dexin Tian, Founder & Chief Scientist, NESS International Science Network; Editor in Chief, presented the Global Development Report on An Eco-Security System for All People. Two country reports were presented by Ronald Kaboye and Prof M Subhan Qureshi for Uganda and Pakistan Respectively. The Founder of NESS-ISN Beijing, Mr Tian Dexin referred to Pakistan’s Report as a model to be followed by other countries. NESS-Pak has successfully engaged 203 persons and 98 institutions.

The following workplan was presented: a) National Research Center for National Eco-Security System Pakistan (NRC-NESS-Pak) will be established at AWKUM Mardan; b) IRAD AWKUM Conference papers will be shared with NESS for their international database; c) The next International NESS Conference will be held at AWKUM in cooperation with NESS-ISN Beijing; d) The Preparatory Committee NESS-Pak will hold National Workshops in coordination with HEC/PSF and other sponsors for issues identification and strategy development to respond to the issues. At the Species Forum on May 27 a session was held on Principles for Species Research and Conservation Priority Setting. Prof Qureshi presented a paper on “Exotic High-Yielding Animals Threaten Indigenous Species”.
The International Contact Persons from various persons were urged to get more supporters for the initiative of Eco-Security for All Peopl (ESAP) so that the reginoal and global report could be compiled and shared with the head =s of the states for implementation.

Support to NESS from SunSaviour Pakistan


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