Special Assistant to Chief Minister on Livestock, Mr Mobhibullah Khan briefed on Dairy Science Park

Mr. Mohibullah Khan, Special Assistant to the Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkwa, on Agriculture, Livestock and Cooperatives Department visited the University of Agriculture, Peshawar. During the visit, he was introduced to the faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences and the given a presentation on the execution and implementation of the Diary Science Park by Prof. Dr. Subhan Qureshi, Dean Faculty of the Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences.

The presentation was attended by Dr Sher Muhamamd DG Livestock Ext, Dr Ghufranullah DG Res, Dr Habib and Dr Khesro Kaleem from PVMA, Prof Nazir Ahamd, Prof Sarzamin Khan and Prof Umer Sadique, Dr Nayla Imtiaz and other faculty members, Mr Zafar Paracha University Feed Mill lesse and Mr Yasir Paracha and his team from P&D. The Vice Chancellor Prof Zahoor Ahmad Swati was in an important official meeting outside the city and advised the Dean to take care of the proceedings.

Elaborating on the Dairy Science Park, Prof. Dr. Subhan Qureshi said that the implementation of Dairy Science Park would propel the economic growth in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. He presented a plan to introduce livestock businesses based upon the research models generated at the University. The challenges faced by the Livestock Sector in the Province including low production of the numerous livestock heads, poor quality of the products, focus on small livestock farmers, medium to large scale farmers lack of access to modern technology, markets and legal support, lack of value addition, cold storages and linkages with the exporters.

The Dairy Science Park has the potential to address the challenges, promote small scale entrepreneurs by providing them with the facilities and funding under the Business Incubation Center at the University and the Business Facilitation Centers in the field. The development model of the Dairy Sciences as well as the funding requirements was also presented to the visiting dignitary.

The Special Assistant appreciated the efforts Prof. Dr. Subhan Qureshi in developing and implementing the Dairy Science Park. He also appreciated the role of women in livestock growth and development. He supported the idea of establishing an internationally accredited quality control laboratory at the University of Agriculture, Peshawar.

He stressed upon the enhanced cooperation between the Departments of Livestock Research and Extension and the University of Agriculture, Peshawar to enhance the livelihoods of the population and the socioeconomic growth of the Province. He also committed to provide his all out support in development Halal Meat Certification and the requisite legislation in the province. He also gave his commitment to work towards the establishment of the office of the Secretary of Livestock for the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkwa.

He was then shown around the different academic facilities and laboratories, the feed mill, clinics and the Dairy Farm of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences, He took keen interest in the breeding of rabbits, turkeys and quails and showed his willingness to introduce fisheries breeding, nutrition and health and meat quality alongside the poultry and livestock breeding programmes. He advised their utilization as business models to lure in the investors and business community towards developing the livestock sector in the Khyber Pakhtunkwa.

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