Aimal Wali Khan, provincial president Awami National Party has told that Quetta Technopark will be established at Quetta Balochistan in collaboration with private and public sector organizations of the country and leading international partners. He was discussing the proposal in a meeting with Prod M Subhan Qureshi, President Dairy Science Park at his residence in Charsadda. The discussion was also participated by Dr Gohar Ali, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Dr Rahmanullah Gomal University and Engr Irfanul Haq Qureshi MD DSP.
The idea of establishing technopark in Quetta and Mardan and other parts of the country emerged during the visit of delegates of the Fourth International Conferee and Industrial Exhibition on Dairy Science Park visited Konya Teknokent on third day of the conference, under supervision of Dr Mithat Direk. The delegates, more than fifty from Pakistan including others from various countries, visited Konya Teknokent on 3 November, were excited to know about the achievements made at the Teknokent. Prof Birol, head of the organization was not available on the day of our visit to Teknokent and we were given a presentation by Mr Mehmet. It was recommended that a TechnoPark will be established at Mardan (TPM), with leading role of Women University Mardan, Dairy Science Park, KP Chamber of Commerce and Industries and SDGs Task Force. Similar TechnoPark will be established at Quetta (TPQ), which has already been agreed by BRSP, BCCI, SMEDA, BU, BUITMS and SBK WU. Mission of the two TechnoParks will be utilization of indigenous human and natural resources for welfare of the people through academia – industry linkage, with focus on entrepreneurship development and hygienic food production for local consumption and export. It was recommended that an autonomous TechnoPark, to be registered as Society under Societies’ Registration Act XXI of 1860, will be established at Mardan (TPM) and Swat (TPS), with leading role of Women University Mardan/University of Swat, Dairy Science Park, KP Chamber of Commerce and Industries/SMEDA and Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Similar TechnoPark will be established at Quetta (TPQ), which has already been agreed by BRSP, BCCI, SMEDA, BU, BUITMS and SBK WU and endorsed by Governor Balochistan. The Governor Balochistan and other organizations agreed on the concept during a visit of DSP Team, before DSP IV-2017 Konya. An MoU has been signed with Konya Teknokent for establishment of Peshawar Technopark, Mardan-TechnoPark-WUM-Mardan and Quetta-TechnoPark-BU-Quetta. Konya Teknokent and Dairy Science Park will collaborate in Smart Energy programs, sharing success stories in food processing, quality control and marketing and sharing ARGE activities in Information Technologies, Agricultural Technologies, Biotechnology, Design Technologies, Environment and Energy Technologies and Defense Industries under an MoU DSP-KT signed at Islamabad later on.
Quetta Technopark will be established as a Triple Helix Good Governance Model of Academia-Industry-Government Nexus. Mission of the Park will be “Utilization of indigenous human and natural resources for welfare of the people with focus on entrepreneurship development, Halal/hygienic food production, smart energy, biorisk management, information technology and production of quality-certified products for local consumption and export. Terms of Reference will be as follows:
1. TP will be hosted by Balochistan University Quetta, initially as a project financed by the Endowment Fund of Rs.100 millions. Later on the project will be registered as a Society under Societies’ Registration Act XXI of 1860. A Management Committee comprising representatives of BU, CCI, LDD, HEC and DSP will oversee the administrative, financial, operational and legislative business of the Park.
2. QTP will utilize the existing farming; processing and marketing channels of livestock based food chain for introduction of quality standards and producing hygienic food/developing employment models.
3. Identification and analysis of the barriers in livestock and poultry production, processing, service delivery and marketing in the province, with special focus on small and medium sized facilities through involvement of stakeholders and the international conference series of DSP.
4. To work with District Administration and other relevant authorities to implement the Biorisk Management and pricing mechanism for supporting entrepreneurship.
5. T0 utilize the Endowment Fund mentioned in clause 1, of Rs.100 million to: i) support business incubation; ii) marketing/investment partnership on the basis of Islamic Financing; iii) entrepreneurship development; iv) establishment of AgriMarts; introduction of SMART Energy for domestic and commercial facilities and Telecommunication technologies through Academia-Industry Linkages.
6. To generate funds for similar activities through assistance from national and international donors and corporate partners; to formulate financial rules regulations, more focused on performance audit; vii) to hire essential staff on contract or casual basis.
7. To undertake any developmental, welfare or R&D activity in the interest of producers, consumers, service providers or the society in general.
8. To prepare Balochistan TechnoParks Act in light of the mission, vision, principles, strategic outlines for Endowment Fund developed by Dairy Science Park Society available at DSP Website.
9. QTP will be supported by Dairy Science Park through its panel of experts, corporate partners and development parterres, with special focus on TechnoParks of Turkish Universities and the United Nations who have accepted DSP as SDGAction9671).
10. QTP will be developed as a sustainable development model for academia-industry linkages in the country.
The Livestock and Dairy Development Baluchistan has been providing animal health and production management services to the farmers. However, the commercial aspect of this resource base is still unexplored and poverty level in the province is very high with 52% population living below poverty line, according to a report of Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI).
The Government of Baluchistan and Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO-UN) joined hands for developing livestock resources of the province through coordinated efforts. Dairy Science Park consulted various stakeholders in the province comprising local universities, SMEDA and Chamber of Commerce and Industries for utilization of the indigenous resources under Quetta Technopark (QTP), an autonomous body with full legislative, financial and administrative powers for utilization of indigenous resources for local market and export. LEB 2019 attracted scientists, development practitioners, donor agencies, private investors and private partners to deliberate on the issue and come up with feasible plans for participation in the QTP.
Livestock Entrepreneurship Development Initiative (LEDI) was agreed as a model of good governance pursuing the Academia-Industry-Society-Government Nexus at Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI). The Initiative would be implemented by Dairy Science Park Balochistan Chapter (DSP-BC) as a follow up mission of Balochistan Expo 2019 inaugurated by Mr Arif Alvi, President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
In fact, the province is facing great challenges of poverty, illiteracy and the aftershocks of the war on terror.
Quetta Technopark will comprise the following activities:
Solution 1 – Quetta Technopark (QTP): To utilize the strengths othe public service organizations ininputs through the proposed Quetta Technopark, Triple Helix Good Governance Model of Academia-Industry-Government Nexus. Guiding Principal: On-campus development of entrepreneurship models; supported by Government Departments and industry/civil society for building the entrepreneurship network; leading to Halal food export. The Steering Committee will comprise equal representation of University of Balochistan, Dairy Science Park, Quetta Chamber of Commixes and Industries and Secretary Planning and Development. Corporate Livestock Development and Policy Support Center would be established for meeting requirements of corporate farming, processing, academia, government and service delivery to the entrepreneurship models.
Impact: Transformation of the huge livestock resource-base sharing 42% of national sheep, 41% camel, 22% goats populations, valuing Rs.371 billion, into entrepreneurship models for generating decent employment for the youth and exportable surpluses for prosperity of the people in the Region.
2. Solution 2 – Advocacy Forum: To support the private stakeholders facing serious issues of technical, regulatory, marketing, financial and administrative nature and to integrate these issues faced by the stakeholders, into the functions of the relevant government departments through an interactive Advocacy Forum.
Impact: Enhancing capacity of the private and public sector organizations for improved services and quality of products for the consumers.
3. Solution 3 – Commercial Ventures: To launch mega projects on slaughter houses, hides and skins processing, cold storages, chilled transportation and chilled cargo services at the airport and the airplanes. Demo farms would be established for mutton, dairy, beef, poultry and non-conventional commodities through public private partnership.
Impact: Investment in processing of food products associated with quality control services would enhance the farmers’ income, generate more employment and produce products for local and international market.
4. Solution 4 – Quality Control and Traceability Laboratory: Establishing a Quality Control and Traceability Laboratory at CASVAB with degree programs, for meeting the needs of stakeholders across livestock based food value chain facilitating entry of local products into national and international market.
Impact: Quality control practices will be introduced at all stages of food value chain (LBFVC) and certify the products for entering into local and international market
5. Solution 5 – Farmers Business Facilitation Centers: Farmers Business Facilitation Centers FBFC in the remote/appropriate areas and at the public/private sector organizations
Impact: These centers would be helpful for the farmers, processors and marketing partners to establish relevant entrepreneurship models.
6. Solution 6 – Livestock Entrepreneurship Development Cell [LED Cell] at Quetta CCI: Livestock Entrepreneurship Development Cell will be established at Quetta CCI. The LED Cell will coordinate with the private investors, farmers and factories, etc with the academia for technology transfer and applied research. Internees will be provided by ORIC Offices of University of Balochistan, BUITMS and LUAWMS (veterinary, life and management sciences faculties) and SBK Women University (life and business management disciplines).
Impact: It will be established with the support of donors, for getting internees from ORIC offices desiring to establish entrepreneurship models.
Executive Committee
- Central Vice President DSP: Dr Muhammad Azam Kakar
- President: Ms Rubina Saeed Shahwani
- Secretary: Dr Fayaz Ahmad
- Member: Qazi Ayaz, Talha Enterprise
- Member: Mr Shah Sarwar Agha, QCCI
- Member: Waheed Noor BU
- Member: Dr Naeem Shahwani, BUITMS
- Member: Dr Nasrullah Bangalzai, LUAWMS
- Member: Dr Zubia Masood SBKWU
Further Progress:
- Quetta Technopark
- Livestock Entrepreneurship Development Initiative launched at Qetta CCI
- Held Balochistan Livestock Expo 2019
- DSP assisted in FAO Balochistan Livestock Policy
- Governor endorsed Quetta TechnoPark and Balochistan Chapter of Dairy Science Park
- DSP Balochistan Chapter established
- FAO-DSP Triple Helix Model
- FAO-KP Livestock Action Plan 2019
- DSP Technoparks will be established with Konya Teknokent Collaboration
- Task force on DSP approved by Chief Minister KP
- Picture gallery (Google Drive)
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