Feed Mill of University of Agriculture Peshawar was fictionalized through a revolving fund. On advice of Prof Khan Bahadar Marwat, Vice Chancellor, Prof M Subhan Qureshi Dean Vet Sciences and Dr Shoaib Afridi Assistant Professor worked on revival of the feed mill, after a lapse of 8 years of its establishment. Later on the Feed Mill was leased out to Mr Zafar Paracha on semi commercial basis and students were engaged in applied research. Quality Control was maintained under technical supervision of the qualified faculty members. The Mill produced cost effective quality feed for local farmers who preferred it over other sources from Punjab, etc.
University Feed Mill of Animal Nutrition Department has been run under a lease arrangement with a private partner. It has provided a gateway to the University System for applied research and an effective outreach setup for the mediums sized commercial livestock farmers. The Faculty members and postgraduate students have been utilizing these facilities for applied research and getting feedback from the farmers utilizing these products. Alternate feed resources are being explored and new technologies developed for enhancing feed utilization by the livestock and poultry species. Feasibility models are being developed for entrepreneurship in meat production.